Fine Details
Sorry, no. We do not take items on consignment. If you are interested in selling something, please send a picture of your treasure to nobletreasures@hotmail.com. We’d love to see and discuss it. Of course, we ask that it be clean and in good to great condition.
Noble Treasures Antiques is an eclectic treasure chest of an antique store! We have all kinds of cool stuff! Furniture, antiques, collectibles, books, home and garden décor among other items. Our aisles burst with variety and personality thanks to the independent dealer booths, each exuding the dealers’ own particular passions.
While there are similarities in our offerings, we do not purchase in bulk as these are unique pieces! If you see a photo of an item on our website, please do not necessarily expect to find that exact one in stock when you visit! Sorry to disappoint, but items come and go! Come in often and hunt for your own piece of history.
We love to share our appreciation for the beauty of historical objects with well-behaved children!
Yes, just a bit. Because of the dry climate, wood tends to shrink here in the west. Shrinkage rarely affects the functionality of a piece; however, it is important to keep the wood of your antiques hydrated. We carry a line of products that nourish old wood back to life. Come in and we will guide you through the choices.